
Functional Testing

Functional testing.

We execute functional testing to ensure that the application functionalities are in accordance with the requirement specification. It is, in reality, black box testing and does not delve into the details of the application source code. When carrying out functional testing, the user-friendliness of the important functions of the application remain our strong focus.

For functional testing, we use either manual testing or automation tools however, functionality testing would be easier using manual testing only.

Functional testing typically involves six steps:

Thus, functional testing includes the following testing types:

Functional testing also includes:

Regression testing is required when there is a:

Effective regression tests can be done through the selection of the following test cases:

We usually automate regression testing (if possible), as it contains many tests which need to be repeated in every testing session. Today, there are many tools available for this, paid as well as open source.

Beta/usability testing

In this phase, our clients test the product in a production environment. This stage is essential to know the customer's comfort level with the interface. We use their feedback to make further improvements to the system.


Non Functional Testing

Non-functional testing.

We use this to check the non-functional aspects (performance, usability, reliability, etc.) of a software application. It is explicitly designed to test the readiness of a system as per non-functional parameters, which are never addressed by functional testing.

Some types of non-functional testing are:

Installation Testing

This type of testing verifies the non-functional aspects (performance, usability, reliability, etc.) of a software application. It is uniquely designed for testing the system readiness as per non-functional parameters that are never addressed by functional testing.

Installation testing and test cases

We perform installation testing to ensure that all necessary components are installed properly and working as per the requirements of the software, post installation. The installation process may include partial, full or upgrade install. This activity is essential to the life cycle of software as installation is the first interaction of the user with the software. If the user experience is satisfactory, then success of the software and client goes hand in hand.

Types of installation

Performance Testing

This type of software testing is carried out to determine system performance in the areas of sensitivity, reactivity and stability under a particular workload.

Load Testing

This type of software testing determines the performance of a system, software product or software application under real life-based load conditions.


Specialized Testing Services

For specific software requirements.

Mobile App Testing

E-Governance Testing

E-Governance testing is used to manage volume of data, volume of users, different compliances and data security. It comprises:

API Testing

We ensure that in an environment where service-oriented architecture (SOA) is crucial, our client’s APIs perform work as expected in the areas of functionality, reliability, performance and security. Our API testing service will ensure this, be it APIs, web services or micro services.

Cross-browser Testing

Cross-browser testing is an integral part of any web application testing. Today, there are a variety of platforms such as, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS and on each platform there are many browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE, Opera, Opera Mini, UC Browser, Dolphin, Maxthon, Mercury Browser, Nokia Xpress, etc. Each browser then has many versions.

Elements of web application behave differently on each browser, even on different versions of the same browser and sometimes differently on each platform. This variability in combinations require complete cross-browser testing. Our team of experts check HTML / CSS code in each browser, different dynamic operations done by JavaScript, alignments, fonts, layouts in different resolution among other elements.

Cross-platform Testing

Cross-platform testing is necessary when software is designed and made to work on different platforms. Cross-platform testing comprises:

Localization / Globalization Testing

Localization testing verifies whether the software is properly translated and adjusted to local languages and cultures. Localization testing is included in the software testing process when the software is made for more than one language. Our team of experts ensure the implementation of correct translation, appropriate text, readable, meaningful text and characters. Here, we check software user interface and content as well as the text of each language.

SEO Testing

Here, we verify that the client’s website is search engine friendly as well as search engine optimized. In doing so, we provide the following:

Due to frequent changes in search engines algorithms, we conduct SEO testing twice annually to ensure that the website maintains a prime position on different search engines, attract more visitors and ultimately convert them into customers.


Testing Services

Mobile, web and cloud.

The more online software update or release cycles offered for a new software application there are, the more necessary it is to automate its regression testing to complete it within a reasonable time frame and more cost-effecively. Our team has designed a tried and proven approach for testing through automation. This automation testing is executed according to the best practices followed in agile testing, continuous integration and test-driven development to speed up the client’s QA/testing processes and reduced cycle time.

Automation testing services comprise:

The following are some of the advantages of test automation:

We recommend that our clients automate testing, which will usually be executed several times throughout the course of the project. In cases where only a single testing is required, we recommend that it be performed manually.

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